Data Security & Safety

An overview of our data security policies.

We understand that data security is a priority that's why it's top-of-mind when we are designing products and process. We treat your data like it’s our own, because we too use SortMe.

In today's digital age, ensuring the security of your information is not just a necessity; it's a promise we make to you. Our commitment to safeguarding your data underpins every service we offer, from the ground up. Here’s how we do it:

Unparalleled Protection

Advanced Encryption

Your data is shielded using state-of-the-art encryption techniques. From the moment you entrust us with your information, every piece of data is encrypted using AES-256, the gold standard in data security. This means your data remains unreadable to anyone but you and those you authorize.

Continuous Monitoring

Our security systems never sleep. We employ continuous monitoring to detect and respond to threats in real-time. This proactive approach ensures that your data is protected against emerging threats, 24/7.

Privacy by Design

No Unnecessary Data Collection

We adhere to a strict privacy-by-design philosophy. This means we only collect the data necessary to deliver our services to you. Your information is not for sale, and we do not share it with third parties without your explicit consent.

Full Data Deletion

We respect your data rights. If you no longer wish to use SortMe, you can request to have your account deleted. Your data will then be permanently erased from our system. This is permanent, there are no backups.

Transaction Data Deletion

If you disconnect a bank account the corresponding transactions will also be permanently erased. You can reconnect the account to sync transactions back into SortMe. Bear in mind some banks only allow for a limited amount of transactions to be pulled.

Our Pledge to You

We pledge to treat your data with the utmost respect and to provide a secure environment that you can trust. Our team of experts works tirelessly to innovate and improve our security measures, ensuring SortMe remains at the forefront of data security.

Socially Responsible

At SortMe, we place a strong emphasis on social responsibility, making it a core part of our business model by prioritizing the needs and welfare of our customers above everything else, unlike others.

We define social responsibility especially in terms of how we handle user data. We are committed to a strict policy that uses this data solely to benefit our users. This means we would never use personal information to promote products or services that do not align with our users' best interests.

This approach not only fosters trust and loyalty among our users but also sets a standard in the industry for ethical data use, ensuring that all our business operations contribute positively to the customer experience.

Join the over 6,500 users taking control of their finances

Before we found SortMe, we found it overwhelming trying to manage the various accounts between us. We could never quite figure out where our money was going. As soon as we signed up to SortMe, that changed instantly. We could see exactly what we were spending and where we needed to pull back. Amazing tool. Highly recommend.

Stacy & Craig

SortMe has helped us find and cancel app subscriptions we didn't need. Saving us over $2,000 per year. It's so worth it.

Tim P

SortMe is the perfect solution for taking control of my finances. Many useful features (bank connection, automatic categorisation, budgeting, net worth, etc) that really tick the boxes of everything I could want from personal finance software. Finally found an upgrade from the homemade Excel spreadsheet!

Tim T

My go-to for financial management, streamlining the chaos of multiple apps. It's an invaluable tool, simplifying the process with useful features like net worth, transactions, and goal setting. Now, I can easily track my financial health, contributing not just to financial clarity but also improving my overall well-being.

Daniel B

SortMe is a fantastic way to manage your finances. A solid 9/10 so far in terms of everything I’d hope for. I found it very seamless and a lot less convoluted than other apps out there.

Adrian H

I decided it was time to sort my finances out. SortMe is brilliant. I've already saved money by finding subscriptions I don't use and having my goals 'top of mind' has helped me create better spending habits.
Charlotte B
SortMe is a fantastic way to manage your finances. A solid 9/10 so far in terms of everything I’d hope for. I found it very seamless and a lot less convoluted than other apps out there.
Adrian H

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